OBSERVATION is Track#9 off of the Jerry Chiappetta, Jr. - BLOW YOUR MIND Album

Song Lyrics to OBSERVATION © 1986-2018 Jerry Chiappetta, Jr., All Rights Reserved - BMI

I see the sunshine, in your eyes. A mirror reflection, from the skies. Well hey if you're thinking to say, and you want to say I love you. You start to feel inside these feelings all coming true, over you. I love you. I love you.

I feel the mist, it's falling down. It's people's feelings, all around. Well hey if you're thinking to say, and you want to say I love you. You start to feel inside these feelings all coming true, over you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

I see the people in the crowds, I hear their voices, they cry out loud. Well hey if you're thinking to say, and you want to say I love you. You start to feel inside these feelings all coming true, over you. I love you. I love you, I love you.

Interview with the artist Jerry Chiappetta, Jr. - About his song; OBSERVATION

OBSERVATION is a song I wrote back in 1986 chilling out on the beach with my acoustic guitar watching the sunset. Some people say that the love and peace era ended in the 60’s and 70’s. For me, it still continues on. This song is about my simple wish for all people to find love and peace in their lifetime.


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